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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pride, for most persons, is not considered as a virtue... indeed, it has been demonized to mean as much the same as undue boastfulness, or a narcissistic attitude of oneself... but pride is an actioning of self-esteem, and whatever feeling one gets is a by-product of a person abiding by that virtue... a proud person sets high standards for the self, and as such conscientiously strives to meet them - in this case, the other virtues, especially the prime one of rationality, of acting by principled thought, of being dedicated to not only doing the best, but of striving to make that best ever better, a continual spiral upward to greater flourishing as a human... a recognition that a person is that person's own highest value, that of any achievements open, the one that makes all others possible is the creation of one's own character - which in turn is the product of the premises held, the making in effect of 'the self-made soul'....

How, then, does this pertain to the spiritual visualizer?


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